Housing - Who Needs It? - We ALL Do!Speaker: Josh Abrams Principal, Community Planning Collaborative |
May is Affordable Housing Month! Join the celebration at our May 3rd meeting with Josh Abrams! Josh Abrams, Principal with the Community Planning Collaborative, has been instrumental in working with San Mateo County jurisdictions to navigate and complete their Housing Elements. Josh will talk about the challenge many cities have in getting their Housing Elements approved by the State, the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA), how difficult it can be for cities to reach their RHNA targets, and how Josh Abrams and 21 Elements support San Mateo County cities in getting it all done. |
Please join us for what promises to be an excellent meeting. The Zoom link information is below: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 7pm Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83205889368?pwd=SXhRc21zYWVQdGc0VXUvSjEzbE5Jdz09 Meeting ID: 832 0588 9368 Contact: Susie Raye - Chair - SMCDFA - [email protected] =============================================== |
SMCDFA Membership Renewals in May May is our month for renewing your membership in our wonderful club! Dues remain the same: Individual: $30 Household: $50 Student, senior (over 60), unemployed, on disability: $15 You can pay the old- fashioned way by mailing a check, (made out to SMCDFA) to: Kacy McClure 1330 Johnson Street, Menlo Park CA 94025 Or go to our website, SMCDFA.org and pay with a credit card. Thank-you! Kacy McClure, Treasurer. |
=========================================== Affordable Housing Month Events: SMCDFA has agreed to co-sponsor "Tenants Belong," an event hosted by Menlo Together on Saturday May 13, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. In addition, other events for Affordable Housing Month are listed in the link below. Date: Saturday, May 13, 3:00-4:30pm Location: Trinity Episcopal Church, Menlo Park Description: Join us to hear stories of struggle, resilience, and power from people who rent in Menlo Park and beyond. We’ll also share an overview of the policy history of rental housing, and outcomes for tenants. And we’ll hear about promising solutions and how you can take action for a community where tenants belong. |
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