June 2024
Why Rooftop Solar is going off a cliff and how we can get Rooftop Solar Growing Again
Join Solar Rights Alliance Executive Director Dave Rosenfeld for an in-depth review of the utility campaign against rooftop solar, the damage that has been done, and how Californians can fight back and get rooftop solar growing again.
Dave will review the impact of the CPUC's NEM3 decision and the Utility Tax, and the state of legislation to fix this mess. He will address utility misinformation about rooftop solar, and walk through how rooftop solar is actually one of the state's best strategies to rein in out of control utility spending and stabilize the cost of electricity for all ratepayers.
April 2024
From Redlining to Article 34; A Continuum
Karyl Eldridge will discuss the background to Article 34 and describe how it continues to impact our communities, perpetuating segregation, slowing the production of affordable housing, and increasing its costs. She will conclude her talk with what can be done to disable this racist relic and overcome its damaging effects.
Systemic racism is at times flagrant and at others subtle and masked. Historically, banks used Redlining to segregate the races and keep people of color "in their place." In 1950, the California Real Estate Association successfully campaigned for the passage of Article 34, an amendment to the California constitution requiring voter approval for any low-income housing project supported by federal, state or local funds.
Karyl Eldridge has been involved in advocacy for affordable housing and renter protections for 24 years. She served on the board of Shelter Network (now LifeMoves) for 6 years and has been a member of the HEART governing board since its formation in 2004. In 2017, she co-founded One San Mateo, an unincorporated nonprofit devoted to increasing housing justice in the City of San Mateo. She is employed as a realtor at Coldwell Banker Burlingame.
March 2024
CalCare: The Time is Now!
SMCDFA is proud to present our speakers for this important legislation.
California Assemblymember Ash Kalra (D-San José), with the support of the California Nurses Association (CNA), just launched CalCare into the state legislature via Assembly Bill (AB) 2200, the California Guaranteed Health Care for All Act. AB 2200 sets in motion a single-payer health care coverage system in California, called CalCare, for all residents, regardless of citizenship status. CalCare will deliver quality health care with dental, vision, hearing and long-term care, while eliminating out-of-pocket costs and barriers to care. Doctors Leibowitz and Hussain will explain what the passage of this landmark Bill will mean for all Californians. Find out how you can help pass this important legislation! |
February 2024
The Earth on Your Plate
Our Speaker, Mohan Gurunathan is an engineer, entrepreneur, and activist who has lived and worked in Silicon Valley for over 20 years. He is an expert on food systems sustainability and is frequently invited to speak about the environmental and social impacts of our individual diet choices.
August 2023
The Changing Indigent Defense Landscape: Growth and Improvement of the SMC Private Defender Program
Lisa M. Maguire is recognized as a leader in the defense community. She skillfully guided the Private Defender Program through the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring that clients in San Mateo County maintained access to their attorneys and to the court.Ms. Maguire will discuss future plans which include improving immigration services for clients who face potential immigration consequences and ensuring early representation for incarcerated clients.
June 2023 Paul Bocanegra - Co-founder of Re-Evolution and a human rights watch officer of the Children's Division of Human Rights Watch. He is also a part of San Mateo County Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Commission. His personal story and perspective make him a passionate advocate for improvements to the system and how it impacts children.
The San Mateo County Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Commission advocates for programs and services that prevent youth entry into the juvenile justice system, and that provide tools young people need to thrive and succeed in life. The Commission seeks to promote respect for the human dignity of all young people who do enter the juvenile justice system and seeks to preserve their youth.
May 2023 Josh Abrams - Josh Abrams, Principal with the Community Planning Collaborative, has been instrumental in working with San Mateo County jurisdictions to navigate and complete their Housing Elements.
March 2023 Noelia Corzo - San Mateo County Supervisor
February 2023 Ray Muellor - San Mateo County Supervisor
January 2023 Dave Rosenfeld from Solar Alliance
June 2022 Meeting featuring Sally Lieber
Former State Assembly Woman, and current Mountain View City Council Member
May 2022 Meeting featuring Harvard Professor Marshall Ganz
In this meeting Professor Ganz asks SMCDFA - What has sustained you?
March 2022 Meeting featuring California State Senator Josh Becker
"The Fight for Civil, Voter, and Environmental Justice - Part 2!"
February 2022 Meeting featuring Joaquin Jimenez - Half Moon Bay City Council, advocate and grassroots organizer
"The Future of Farming is in the Hands of Farmworkers"
January 2022 Meeting featuring U.S. Congresswoman Jackie Speier
"Congresswoman Jackie Speier - A Look Back... And Forward"
October 2021 Meeting featuring PHD Dr. Chris Field, Director at Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment
“Climate-change solutions when there is no more time”
May 20221 featuring Josh Becker - California State Senator
"The Fight for Civil, Voter and Environmental Justice"
April 2021 Meeting featuring former State Senator and Current Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian
"Police Reform: Opportunity or Oxymoron?"
March 2021 Meeting featuring Adam Bolaños Scow
"Winning a Green New Deal for California and the Nation!"
February 2021 Meeting featuring Marshall Dinowitz and Susie Raye
"Biden Report Card: The First 10 Days"
June 2020 Meeting featuring Marshall Dinowitz and Tony Holtzman
"Covid 19 - Pandemic and Politics and What Comes Next?
May 2020 Meeting featuring Diane Bailey of Menlo Spark and Lisa Altieri - Founder and CEO of Climate Solutions.net
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