


A Chartered Democratic Club Working for Progressive Change

Our goals include promoting peace, social and economic justice, campaign finance reform, healthcare for all, and protecting the environment, Social Security and Medicare. In pursuit of these goals, we have mounted very successful informational public forums, candidate debates and fundraisers, meetings with elected officials, voter registration drives, and campaign support for progressive candidates. We support local charities. Our meetings feature speakers who are recognized experts in various areas of progressive policy.

Please bring a friend and join us at one of our monthly meetings:

What: San Mateo County Democracy for America Monthly Meeting
When: The first Wednesday of every month
Time: 7:00 pm
Where: Woodside Road United Methodist Church, or the Zoom platform if we're meeting virtually.


2000 Woodside Road

Redwood City, CA 94061

What SMCDFA means to me...

Democracy as a Verb

By Flavia Franco; SMCDFA Member


My friends inspire me and give me courage. I’ve known most of these folks since 2009. It has been an incredible learning experience to be part of a group that produces community events on such issues as: counter terrorism, child poverty, affordable housing, prison reform, restoring the Delta, climate change, education, election integrity, healthcare, the suffragette movement, ballot initiatives, the Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement, marijuana legalization and much more.

I didn’t realize that while I was learning about all these issues, I was also learning how to organize and promote events. We are happy when an event goes well, because we are sensing that we’re making a difference.

My friends have recovered from the shock and injury of the election in November 2016. They all have a keen awareness of what is at stake with every lurching jolt coming out of this new administration.

Rather than standing by and watching the great dismantling of our government and our rights, my friends fused their spines with steel and determination and now they all have the middle name of “Action”.

But what has blindsided me and given me simultaneous bouts of hope, fear and love for this planet and humankind was encountering people who have been living without concern of the machinations of our government, but who are now waking up, and feeling compelled to do something, to take a stand, because they understand that the things we have taken for granted for years are now in need of our protection.

My wish for folks who find themselves with these feelings – find a good group - (you could join our group!). Courage truly is contagious. We are stronger together. And the power to make change lies in having many voices together.