November 2017 SMCDFA Monthly Meeting


"Bridging the Divide: Listening to Trump's America"


Our speaker, Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian, traveled to counties in three states -- North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Michigan -- to have more than 100 conversations in places that historically had voted for Democrats for president, but flipped for Trump.

Supervisor Simitian is an old friend of SMCDFA. His public service over the years include stints as a member of the California State Senate and of the Assembly and as the mayor of Palo Alto.

Also at our meeting, we'll unveil the final version of the values document we worked on at the last meeting; "What Democrats Will fight for".

Please bring your friends. And don't be late... we always start with dessert!

November 01, 2017 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Woodside Road United Methodist Church 2000 Woodside Road Redwood City, CA 94062
Carole Dorshkind · · 650-766-2162

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