Why rooftop solar is going off a cliff and how we can get rooftop solar growing again
San Mateo County Democracy for America is pleased to have Dave Rosenfeld from Solar Alliance return to give us an update on Solar in Califonia.
Join Solar Rights Alliance Executive Director Dave Rosenfeld for an in-depth review of the utility campaign against rooftop solar, the damage that has been done, and how Californians can fight back and get rooftop solar growing again.
Dave will review the impact of the CPUC's NEM3 decision and the Utility Tax, and the state of legislation to fix this mess. He will address utility misinformation about rooftop solar, and walk through how rooftop solar is actually one of the state's best strategies to rein in out of control utility spending and stabilize the cost of electricity for all ratepayers. |
============================================= You won't want to miss this excellent meeting. Wednesday, June 5, 2024 at 7pm This meeting will be via Zoom, the link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83205889368?pwd=SXhRc21zYWVQdGc0VXUvSjEzbE5Jdz09 Meeting ID: 832 0588 9368 |
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