July 2020 SMCDFA Monthly Meeting






"A Lively Discussion of Current Events"


We will have grand civil discussions about:

Coronavirus update from our last month's speaker - Marshall Dinowitz
An update from the recent San Mateo County Board of Supervisors meeting on June 23 regarding the recent budget approved for the purchase of new tasers for the Sheriff's Department.

SMCDFA Resolution in Support of the Black Lives Matter Movement


We will also hear reports from our task forces:  2020 Elections, Social Justice, Healthcare, Fighting Voter Suppression, and Legislative Bills.


No desserts this time, but great ideas and camaraderie!

When: Wednesday, July 1, at 7:00 pm

Contact: Ashleigh Evans at asevans2002@aol.com

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July 01, 2020 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Zoom Meeting
Flavia Franco

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