April First 2015 SMCDFA Monthly Meeting

Making Local Renewables Happen in a Big Way!

Local renewables have flourished in the leading renewable energy markets around the world, but they have a long way to go in the United States. The Clean Coalition is accelerating the transition to local renewables through its extensive policy and program work, including through its Community Microgrid Initiative, which is proving that local renewables connected to the distribution grid can provide at least 25% of the total electric energy consumed while ensuring that grid reliability and power quality are maintained - or even improved.

Our first speaker is Brian Korpics - a Policy Manager for Clean Coalition. Brian received a J.D. from NYU School of Law, where he was Editor-in-Chief of the NYU Environmental Law Journal and a Fellow at the Guarini Center for Environmental and Land Use Law. Brian also holds a BA in Environmental Science and in Philosophy from Northwestern University. Prior to joining Clean Coalition, Brian completed fellowships with the Environmental Defense Fund and the Environmental Law Institute. Brian leads Clean Coalition's regulatory advocacy efforts in front of state public utilities commissions and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Our second speaker is David Burruto, Chief of Staff for Dave Pine - County Supervisor. Currently, San Mateo County is conducting a study on a Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program which allows a local government or a group of local governments to pool (or aggregate) the electricity demands of their community and purchase energy on behalf of their residents, businesses, and municipal accounts.

More information on that is in the link below.





Join us and invite your friends to join us. As always, we will start with desserts!

April 01, 2015 at 12:00pm - 2pm
Woodside Road United Methodist Church
Carole Dorshkind ·