Reversing the Privatization of Medicare
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Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 7pm
Our Speakers for this important discussion will be: Ana Malinow, MD, David Leibowitz, MD, and Devra Dallman Conservatives have long held that the free market can resolve system issues of access, costs, affordability and quality of health care. Long experience with privatized health care in this country, however, proves that privatization brings higher costs, worse care and medical outcomes, with more bureaucracy, waste, and profiteering. The increasing decimation of the Medicare Trust Fund is a function of the government allowing more and more private health insurance companies entry into the Medicare space. Private companies make more profit from Medicare patients than all of their other healthcare segments combined. Medicare Advantage plans position themselves as "saviors of seniors" for the packaged combination of benefits included. What MA plans neglect to tell you is that seniors can be dropped from their plans when they become too expensive, that the company can drop benefits and make increasing costs the patient’s responsibility, leaving patients in more and more desperate situations. The most shocking element is that, whereas Medicare charges 1-3% to administer its plan:
Join SMCDFA as we learn why this is happening and how we can help reverse the decimation of quality healthcare in the U.S. |
Please join us for what promises to be an excellent meeting. The Zoom link information is below: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 7pm Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 832 0588 9368 |
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