SMCDFA August 2020 Monthly Virtual Meeting



Zoom Meeting Wednesday, August 5, 7:00 pm, at your home!


"Ending White Silence"

The acclaimed documentary, "Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible," featuring stories from white men and women on overcoming issues of unconscious bias and entitlement, will begin our program.

The stories in the film reveal what is often required to move through the stages of denial, defensiveness, guilt, fear, and shame into making a solid commitment to ending racial injustice.

The film will be followed by a group discussion of what we can do to support the learning, change and healing of all people who want to undo systemic racism and social injustice.

Participating in our discussion will be Michael Smith, Planning Commissioner and candidate for the Redwood City Council, and Alexis Lewis, Executive Board Member of the San Mateo NAACP and Corresponding Secretary of the San Mateo County Democratic Central Committee.

We will also hear reports from our task forces:  2020 Elections, Social Justice, Healthcare, Fighting Voter Suppression, and Legislative Bills.


Join Zoom Meeting

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Password: 820212
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Join us for great ideas and camaraderie!

When: Wednesday, Aug. 5, at 7:00 pm

Contact: Ashleigh Evans at

August 05, 2020 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Virtual Meeting on Zoom

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