November 2018 SMCDFA Monthly Meeting


"Looking Back at the 2018 Election(!)"

Taking place just the day after the election, our November meeting couldn't be more relevant!


Fresh from the (we hope) celebrations the night before, join with fellow progressives to discuss the election results, what they mean, and where we go from here. 

Blue Wave -- or not?  Did we win back the House?  The Senate? How are we now positioned to take on Trump?

We'll take a look at how well we did in those Congressional races Greg Loew and his task force brought to our attention. 

And how about California state and local races...and the ballot measures? 

We'll share our analysis of the results, our thoughts for the future, and some of our experiences on the campaign trail.


Bring a friend and don't be late:  as always, we'll start with dessert!

November 07, 2018 at 7:00pm - 9pm
Woodside Road United Methodist Church 2000 Woodside Road Redwood City, CA 94062
Flavia Franco ·

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